Radio Survivor launches discussion forums site

radiosurvivorforums.comWe’ve been talking about this for a while, and at last it has happened. Radio Survivor has fired up a forums site: The beta site has three forum topics for starters: College Radio, Low Power FM, and Indie Internet Radio.

Why the new venue? First—to get some kind of discussion system up that isn’t run by Facebook or Twitter. Don’t worry, we’ll still Facebook and Tweet our posts, but we wanted to create a place where Radio Survivor readers could initiate their own extended conversations about radio right out there on the old school World Wide Web.

We will add more forum topics as the experiment progresses. Suggestions are welcome. As usual, we want to encourage conversation about the rewards and challenges of building local, people based radio, about using new radio related technologies and platforms, and about how government, civil society, and the market fits into the picture. I’m hoping to add a forum about the complexities of accessing Internet radio in your automobile, but these three topics seem like enough for starters.

You can register with here. Once registered you can post comments in any of the three forums. We’ve also got a widget on the left side of our main page that keeps up with the discussion. Let me know how it is going, and thanks for giving the site a try!